Greenland Ice Glacier Analysis - Data Visualization Project

Group project done for the Data science course


The single ice sheet or glacier that covers nearly 80% of the island of Greenland is known as the Greenland Ice Sheet, also known as Inland Ice. It is the largest ice mass in the Northern Hemisphere and is only second in size globally to the ice sheet that covers Antarctica. The Greenland ice sheet is adversely affected by climate change. It is more vulnerable to climate change. The ice sheet glacier has been melting and discharging and also it has been accumulating ice for centuries. But we have the data of its discharge and accumulation since 1840 to till date. We have analyzed different features of this glacier like discharge, Mass Balance, Surface mass Balance (SMB), Basal Mass Balance (BMB) and represented using various graphs. The goal of this project is to determine the loss or gain of discharge and mass balance of the Greenland glacier ice sheet for the next decade i.e., 2023-2032.

Importing packages and loading data

Data Wrangling

After cleaning the data, we endup like this

Outlier Analysis

We plot the boxplots for all the attributes to find the outliers.

As the data is not so large, I have manually identified the outliers with this code and droped those rows

After deleting the outliers the boxplots looks clean, so this data is good to fit the models.

Data visualization

How the data is distributed

How was the Mass balance across the time

From the Pie chart we can infer that ice lost most of the times

Correlation between all off them

After the data analysis we did apply some regression models on this data to find out trends in ice discharge for next 10 years.